The long way into Heiane: Fjotland – Ljosland

Today I finally arrived at Ljosland Fjellstove after some though days and now, after having enjoyed a big pizza and after having done my laundry I even have access to a computer and thus the possibility to upload some photos from my camera 🙂

Just check out some more pictures in my Google photos album.

To avoid walking on streets all the way to Knaben I decided to follow the road to Eftestøl and to take an unmarked path from there that was drawn in in my map. It turned out that it wasn`t actually a path most of the time – rather a mix of scrubs and swamp where I had to find my way through 🙂 In return it offered spectacular views on a scenic valley. Around noon I disturbed the nap of a Northern Viper that was lying in front of a weekend hut. After I had been waiting respectfully for some moments it returned and let me pass. At the end of the valley it turned out that the “unmarked path” in that part was not  walkable. The slopes there were so steep that I could hardly climb them without a bag (which I tried first) let alone with a bag of 30 kg. That is why I decided to follow the valley to the end and to find the least steap slope to Knaben there (according to the map). Even there I had to unpack my bag at the steapest part and to carry it up in several portions to be able to overcome the altitude. Because of those unexpected difficulties I did not make it to Knaben on that day as planned, but camped a bit South of Knaben Gruvene.DSC06037

The next day I finally  entered the hiking trail network and found myself in a beautiful mountain landscape not much later, offering spectacular views on partially snow covered hills, mountain lakes and streams. The first streams had to be waded through and the first snow fields had to be crossed. On one of those snow fields, covering part of a slope, my left leg was suddenly gone til the thigh. So I had to drop my backpack and slide down separately. On this day I also almost culled a Grouse (rype) with my feet. It had decided to hide from me – unfortunately the hiding place was directly on the trail. One meter before I would have stepped on it, it suddenly flew away. I think both of us were pretty startled in that moment 😉 On that day I found myself a nice camp site near a mountain lake and continued to Ljosland today.


I am still really lucky with the weather. The sun is shining most of the time and it is summerly hot even in the mountains. A nice bonus there is that you can drink cold water from streams or refresh yourself with some snow 🙂

7 Thoughts.

  1. Oh it´s crazy. You´ve already seen a grouse. On our last tour on Nordkalottruta we only saw a grouse on the whisky-bottle in Lappjordshytta 😉
    Your report of the first days is very fascinating and we hope to read more periodical. We are pleased with you. All the best from us.
    Mom & Dad

  2. Hei Amber, det er en liten evighet siden vi har sett hverandre sist, men det er gøy å følge Jækkis blog sammen med deg. 🙂
    Jækki, jeg håper det er et godt tegn at du ikke har latt høre fra deg i ti dager og at du trives i villmarka. Kult at du mestrer de første eventyrlige episoder suverent. 🙂

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